Friday, 24 October 2014


A Game nearly everyone has played in some form

It started out as a simple game of battleships. You get 5 ships and you can place them anywhere on your grid. The first one to sink the opponents ships, wins. Simple!

In our pairs we played a standard game of Battleships. Once the game was over we had to iterate on its design.

So what does that mean?

You have your game with the standard rules, and then you add to it. For example, we came up with the idea of allowing the player to initially have their first go, if they hit a ship, they were allowed one chance to follow up with a second go. It allowed both players to destroy each others ships in a quicker time but also gave a sense of relief and satisfaction if the other player missed.

Another iteration was allowing a 'super bomb' to be used. Every third go, the player could pick a grid, and the four adjacent tiles would also be affected by the bomb. So, even if the players initial grid was empty, there was still a chance for a ship to be hit in one of those other grids.

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